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Please fill out the form below to send me a message.

Agent for literary & film for TWO WHEELS TO FREEDOM and THE NAZI SEANCE and film for CODE NAME MADELEINE:

    Michael Carlisle - michael@inkwellmanagement.com

    Inkwell Management

    521 Fifth Avenue

    Suite 2600

    New York, NY


Agent for literary matters related to CODE NAME MADELEINE: 

    Markus Hoffman

    Regal Hoffmann & Associates LLC

    242 West 38th Street, Floor 2

    New York, NY 10018

    Phone: 212-684-7900

    Email: markus@rhaliterary.com


Publicity requests related to CODE NAME MADELEINE including reviews, interviews, requests for review copies, please contact:

    In US: Gabrielle Nugent, gnugent@wwnorton.com; or Erin Sinesky Lovett, elovett@wwnorton.com

    In Canada: Ashley Dunn, adunn@penguinrandomhouse.com

    In UK, Europe: Sophie Piquemal, spiquemal@wwnorton.com

    Elsewhere: Dorothy Cook, dcook@wwnorton.com


To directly contact Arthur Magida, call, email or use the form that's below:

Phone: 443-676-4560

Email: amagida2@aol.com